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Sensing HIM.

I'd often heard from preachers, How one can FEEL His power, The ways He can and will speak Just at that NEEDED hour. The day that HE did call me Into His family,  I felt His arms around me As Love, it  LIFTED me.  The speaker at our 'kids' church An invitation given, To stand during the next prayer, To learn more of this 'Heaven' I did not stand up purposely, Instead, His arms,    I felt Under my arms a-lifting, Then to HIS power, knelt. It's true, I too have "Heard" Him, At lowest ebb, in mind, "What will your parents think whene'er Your lifeless body find?"  T hrough written Word,  He ALSO,  To me did speak so clear  Judges 6:23 At right time, was so dear. Some surgery had been offered Removing part of brain, That from birth had been faulty Caused seizures,- what a pain. Unsure, least having some doubts, My fears, they were all calmed, When "Peace, do not fear, you won't die" In my mind, since, embalmed. To those who say ...
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Four Letters

V oraciousness, I t seems to me, L et me be, E ating free. E veryone V illianously I dolise L iving free L onely now I ronicly V aliantly E ternally? V oraciously.  E ating free I ndulgingly L ife's for me. Four differing words Used letters, same, Does show the differences With change of name.

The Funeral. William Lowden's dad.

It's definitely, FINALITY, The 'end' of what had been, No worries or concern now, Physically, left the scene. Though NEVER, from your memory, In flash, (s)he'll there, a ppear, Enjoy and DO embrace them, In your mind, (s)he'll be here. Cry, whene'er it's needed, In private, public too, Others, they will realise, Those moments, they ARE due.

Charmains chat with nature.

  'Twas a calm but chilly morning, I sat down by the pond, Nearby the spreading cedar, My usual morning, fond.   That pond,  it was snow covered,  Though water, had not froze, The 'footprints' were a tell-tale That birds, they had arose.   Sang praise to their Creator, To them, I too did sing, The  Juncos and House Sparrows Did to me, greetings, bring. The wind was colder, yesterday, So few, there, to me, greet, Today, though, while still cool out, The Juncos, did me, meet. House Sparrows, Chickadees, and then  To my surprise, they came, Two Blue Jays just to see me.  Plus, Red Male Cardinals, same , THEY, list'ned to MY singing, To ME, they, better, do, But sparrow, small, seemed eager A chat, he wanted to. I COULD have remained longer, But fingers, they got cold, 'Tis just one disadvantage Of this thing, - 'getting old'. I went out this morning to sit by the pond, near the cedar tree, like I do every morning. The pond is snow ...


  The year was 1933, 'Twas in mid winter, bleak, A tiny infant breathed her first, Seemed no time, she could speak. The years, they passed so quickly, This babe, her stages, grew, From infant, child, teenager, Then adult, 'fore we knew. She studied well, at college, To 'teacher training' went, Not knowing then, throughout the globe, That she would soon be sent. First Nations, in Ontario, Then Nova Scotia, too, Across 'the pond', Somalia, And China, spent a few. Her passport, it was filling, But yet, she added more, Kyrgyzstan,Great Britain, Life sure was NOT a bore. When working days were over, Remained, that 'travel bug', With visits to Malaysia, U.K., did heartstrings, tug. The Far East, also welcomed, Even in retired years, The Maldives, even Germany, Now brings her 'joyful tears' So now, we send warm greetings, Decades have passed, a few, With you, we want to celebrate, You've now reached NINETY TWO                       ...


When speaking of Dementia,  Most people think ONE thing, Someone, drooling at the mouth, And memory, cannot bring.  Unfortunatly, they do NOT see The 'person true', inside  That aging shell of bones and flesh, Where memories do abide. SO many words are going through  Their mind, at such a speed,  The person, can't get right word out. Eventually concede To use whatever IS there, MOST times to us, seems daft, Though to th'one who's speaking, THEY wonder why you laughed. Then also, why you scoffed at The words, they DID attain, In fact, they still are  TOO smart,  Words wont stop, in their brain.

School implants

One NEVER realises  Impressions that were made By tutors in our youthful days By something that was said. Aged ten, going on eleven, Last year in Primary  school, One saying placed 'bove chalkboard, 'Twas teacher's 'golden rule' Our teacher, Mr. Howieson, A character, no doubt, A wicked sense of humour, Though would still 'call you out' Directed us, his pupils, In his class,  from day one,  When written 'comprehension'  On paper, should be done. IF, in our school work, written, In class OR when at home, Certain words we used there Be that, essay or poem. Most certain would be marked down, Attention MUST be paid,  To "Never use ' GET-a, GOT-a, NICE-a, LOT-a,  AND or SAID' "  


     Another year, beginning, new, Set things aright from start, 'Least that is what we hope to do, With energetic heart.    Resolve to do things better, Get fit, eat well, be kind, How long do resolutions last? Not too long, most will find.    I DID resolve some years ago, THAT, resolution, kept, For MANY years now, it has been, For at it, I'm adept. You see, my 'resolution' then, I'm sure you will agree, Resolved to 'no more of them make' 'Twas easy, that, for me.

New Life

Though you may not be seen by eyes, I'm shaping you, inside Your mothers womb, secure and safe, And there you will abide Until you've been entirely formed, Developed fully there, Each aspect of your life will be Adorned, with tender care. I know  you as you are right now, I'm watching growth, each day, You brain, your organs, limbs and form, Progressing on their way. I have a purpose 'ready planned For when your date is due, Nobody else can do YOUR job,  It's 'specially for you'. I have already set the date When you will breathe your last, And while for you 'twill seem long time, The years will  go quite fast. I will be watching over you, You may be unaware, But every aspect of your years, Been planned with loving care.                                                       Father God.  

"That's a very good question"

  One phrase I've noticed past few years, Which irks me to extreme, Is heard in MANY interviews On media, it does seem. When being asked some questions, To information, give, Instead of starting th'answer off, This phrase repeated, is. The first few times 'twas novel, But aft. a while, does tire, I feel like reaching out my hand, It sure does produce 'ire' It's heard also in general chat, In public, private too, Wherever folk do congregate  Or cause hullabaloo. It may be said on impulse, To have few seconds more, In order to form answer, For me, it irks hearts core. Of course it's a good question, Why ever ask one, bad ? Just give an answer to what's asked Try not, to make me mad. So what is it that irks me, That causes such aggression, That makes my teeth just grate with rage? Well, '' That's a very good question.''