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John 11: 35

What if our God was crying? He HAS; and oft.; I'm sure, John's Gospel, 11: 35 "Jesus wept", Jerusalem, o'er. He grieves and cries when children, By adults, are abused, Their innocence, it's stolen, Emotionally bruised. He wept when watching His son, While on that rugged cross, Though three days later, when He rose I'm sure, tears of rejoice. He weeps, when people listening To all His Love, bestowed, STILL choose to go their own way, Reject that His blood, flowed. He wept, - though not recorded, When Eve, that fruit did eat Of knowledge 'good and evil' And satan, man, did cheat.
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Tears of God

I DO believe th’Almighty DOES shed some tears of grief Whene’er we turn our backs on His LOVE and His belief. However experience shows He ready is, and WILL Receive us back to His fold When before Him, we’re still. We’ve read how, in the Bible O’er Jerusalem, HE wept And yet STILL loved 'the people’ At THAT, HE is adept. The shortest verse in Bible, John 'leven, thirty five, With just two words, depicts it, He wept, while still alive. Forgiveness TOO, He’s mastered At THAT, we fall way short, We MAY, forgive,- but forget? THAT is so hard to court. Though He can tears of JOY show Whenever WE decide, To turn our lives around and In HIS way, we abide.


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The prayer-bar of soap

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Personal Choice

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Least said, Soonest mended

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Memory Recall

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Love Actually.

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