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That Bubble Car

                                              Whene'er us boys were younger                                   Our father drove a car                            With four wheels, one each corner,                                         It took us really far.                                               A friend at church we went to,                              Whene'er us boys were 'wee'                                He too did drive a vehicle                             But wheels - had only THREE.                         And where dad's car had TWO doors                                  Each side and opposite,                            This vehicle just had ONE door                               With young boys, was a 'hit'.                                So we would wait for Mervyn,                                  Two minute drive, 'twas all,                                But 'cause it looked so different,                                    
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It's JUST 'a step'

“Neglect can happen without effort, without thinking, and without our notice.  Satan, the master deceiver, delights to keep our mind occupied with the cares and pleasures of this world.  He cares not whether it be something good or bad, as long as it distracts us from focusing on things eternal.” It's just one little step in the wrong direction after the next little step. It's JUST 'a step', he told me, As he paced to the side, But THEN, he took another, Was something here, implied? I SHOULD have stretched my hand out Aft' first step he did make, But little did I know back then, That he would others take. It was a SLOW departure, We just drifted apart, At one time were like brothers, Almost joined, through our heart. When he got out of arms length, I feared, ne'ermore would see, That fear eventually flourished, When he ignored my plea. So IF your brother falters, Don't wait, to bring him near, Reach out,  to keep that closeness, For one you hold so dear.

SORRY, too late

  There comes a time whene'er remorse Is just a second late, Your guilt trip lingered just too long, And you will face your fate. Your Could'a, Would'a, Should'a, Now past the time 'twas due, Remorse may linger just a while, For ever, now, you'll rue. You may have had an upset With someone here on earth , Delayed   making placation  ....... for what it's worth. Far worse though, this is vital, With Yahweh, MUST atone, And HE is just a prayer away, This 'prayer' is like the phone. Just talk to Him as normal, HE hears your inner thought, His arms, always will be outstretched, With HIS blood, LIFE was bought.

Get your LIFE right

You've got a brand new outfit? You look as swell, as could, Though sadly, THAT outfit will fade, In th'end, will do no good. New vehicle? WOW, impressive, It MUST've cost greal deal, Just take it for a few long drives, And THEN see how you feel.   A new house? - Never lived in? Blank canvas, yours to choose, Be careful though, an accident Could mean your house, will lose. Earthly treasures ALL will pass, They'll not always be 'hip' Eventually you'll lose it all, Just like a sinking ship. You GOTTA be clad with RIGHTEOUSNESS For THAT alone, will last When end of age does come to pass With final Trumpet, blast.

The 'help me' Gene

Various gifts we've all been giv'n, Most merge when we're still young, Though  t'develop ripe,  some take more time, Like climbing  rung to rung. I hadn't even thought of  'gifts' I just did what I knew, I saw a need I could fulfill, And knew just what to do. I'd joined church choir aged seventeen, Back then, MY 'ailment' rife, But strived to do the best I could, I had to LIVE, my life. I'd had voice lessons in my youth, W as asked, ' What type of voice?' I actually had no idea, I didn't have a choice. "You sound like you're a bass" was told So was placed between two, One blind, the other, had a 'stroke' I knew what I should do. I helped one open up his books So he could, music, sing, The other, lyrics, did recite, Should he forget something. My actions, they were noticed By church youth leader there, H'informed my parents of my 'gift' Of 'helping', 'giving care'. At present church

Waxing cold

 Matthew 24:12  And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Have witnessed th'above in many a church Where cliques, so evident,  You don't fit in, so don't come near, Not 'said',  but actions, meant. 'Twas rampant in my own home church When in mid twenties, me, I wasn't like  those, similar age, 'Twas really plain to see.   Have sung in groups, in few of these And while at start was great, When leadership of group did change The 'love' did change to 'hate'. Whether they thought I was too good, My voice, when young, WAS trained, That 'green machine's inside us all, Animosity's ingrained. Thankfully, through it, we have found A LOVING 'family' Where EVERY ONE's accepted, Whatever status, be.


  Eye of ten spiel weirds diff rent lea  Two sea eff "ah ten shun"  Has bean given, when reed-ing  Bye each, end ev-ree wan. Re caul ate skool, was men-shunned Import ance off write weirds, End speel-ing was in struck Ted Sum thot - 'twas four the Byrds  It's guid too pay a-ten-shun,  Wen reeding watt eye right,  Ate first ewe find it arduous,  'Ten ees-aye reed, it mite. Eye luv wen dif rent me nings  Four same weird, ken bee used, Eye AWL weighs youse the other, Too keep each wan amused. Bye now, ewe have got used two Reed all the weirds eye rite, It wont bee come the norm Al, Butt ten, who nose? it mite.