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Showing posts from November, 2019

A mothers inner thoughts. (AAB CCB-446-446)

A mothers inner thought prior to adult offspring {me}having neuro surgery. {see comment, below.} I watched you grow  While praying, so A cure, it would be found. My heart was sore,   I prayed some more Each time you fell to ground. My eyes did weep,  Who, would you, keep When dad and I were gone? And yes, it’s true, I prayed that you Would NOT be left alone. But then a glim Of hope from Him I’ll tell you, I WAS scared The years of pain Had been my bane  I’ll know not, how you fared. The choice was yours, YOU fought the wars Of anguish, when it hit. I prayed with dad That we’d be glad Your choice would make them quit. I feared the worst Would you be cursed? You’d know not, dad nor me. Your memory gone? A star that shone? We prayed the BEST, would be. That evening came  Would we HIM blame? We visited to see, And from afar,  HE .............. GAVE............. ME ..............POWER, Whene’er you winked a