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Showing posts from May, 2013

Wedding Speech May 27th 1989

Ladies and gentlemen, Your Honours, Members of the jury, Since I'm not used to doing this, This 'public speaking' part, I thought, I'll do it all in rhyme, An ode, straight from the heart. Now this wee girl sat on my left, Aye, Liz, she'll have my life If I am to omit that she Is to be termed 'My wife' So on my wife's behalf and mine This twenty seventh of May, Our thanks to every one of you For adding to our day. But first of all I must express My sincere gratitude To mom and dad of Campbell clan, I dare not them, exclude. You see, (cough) years ago this day, Was born, my little pet, And if mom hadn't borne this child, I wouldn't be married, yet. And then again this Campbell clan, They really are so grand, They brought Liz back, for me to court, And then gave me her hand. We met, as most of you well know, In Stricklands, by the sea, And Cupid took the form of two, John and William Montgomery. Again I must express my thanks To clan of Cam...