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Showing posts from 2014

I get the last word

Response to a Scottish M.C. at a choir concert who had on the previous evenings made fun of my Ulster accent. These past few nights, there has been one Who understandeth not The words with which I did orate "Bicuz of the accent I 'ave gat". And so I have the words typed out, So you can follow through And now dear James, I do present A copy, just for you. A round of applause followed; Direct to the M.C. Well now, they understood all that, They'll understand the rest, You see, whene'er you deal wi' me, You're dealing with, 'the best' Another round of applause His response? -- " Colin, I bow to the master"

Update to my home Church 'Family' 12/2012

Though miles have come between us By choice, I must concur, ‘Tis great to hear what’s happening To our ‘family’ over there. It helps when I am pondering Of days, seems  long  ago, The people I grew up with, The folk I got to know. You think of time as motionless, That all things stay the same, Reality soon kicks into gear, We cannot, that, proclaim. O’er nine years since we left you, Six, since we first returned, Fond memories of o’er forty years, In my heart, have been burned. Those  cannot  be deleted, I wouldn’t  want  to try, You’ll be part of our ‘family’ Until the day I die. Even THEN, we’ll be united In that gathering up above, When things will NOT be changing, We all will know true love. Things haven’t changed extensively From last update you read, Still caring for my clients, To earn my daily bread. I always have liked singing, And hence, I must declare, I’ve joined t...

Stubbs October 26th 1974 - 2014

B ack in the days when love was still 'amour', I n a time when faithfulness was something to allure, L ove between two adults did blossom strong and true, L eading to a partnership between the two of you.                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S oon Miss Leduchowsky to Mrs. Stubbs was changed, H ence some vows were witnessed, a banquet was arranged, A fter time together, a family you became, R aising four fine children, an honour to your name, O vercoming trials, you've lasted ages long, N ow four decades later, your love is still as strong.                                                          ...

He did it for me

He did it for you, He did it for me, Came down from on high, To die on a tree. He bore all my burden In tense agony, Took all of my guilt, Though sinless was He. Took ALL of my guilt, For He could foresee Each time I'd rebel And not bend the knee. His love is so fervent, I know you'll agree, His promise is true, You can guarantee. He came, not in fury To judge, but to plea, His life, our redemption, He saved one like me. So thank you  my Jesus Your love set me free, And how can I show it? Just live true to thee. So let us remember The cross at Calv'ry , He did it for you, He did it for me.

The Golden Years : 12th June 1964 - 2014

The Golden Years 12 th   June 1964 - 2014 The setting was a country church, Euphoric and dignified, The second Friday of the month, There came a young June bride. She sauntered slowly down the aisle, In radiant white, was she, Preceded by her bridesmaids, Her flower girl made that three. Beth, Gail and Linda entered, Adorned in fine mint green, Thereafter, came Patricia, 'Twas the finest sight e'er seen. While waiting at the altar, Escorted by his three, Stood Glen, Ross, Carl and Murray, Glen's face conveying glee. Then there, the young Pat Karges, In finery so grand, Stood proud with Glen Doerbecker, And vowed to take his hand. In sickness, health and poverty, All these you will have known, Glen and Pat were bonded And seeds of love were sown. So now, this love that started, Has been with you for aye, Hence you are celebrating Your Golden Wedding day. Congratulations

Karges - Doerbecker

                                                   Karges - Doerbecker                   12 th   June 1964 - 2014                                                 P ausing for a moment, thinking of the years gone by,  A stounded how they vanished, like the twinkling of an eye,   T hankful for the memories, of  your family, friends so true, R elying on your Maker to help to see you through, I n His love eternal, a life for Him you've lead, C ontented in...

Chorus Concert

Returning to a past abode Where once, we did  rehearse, A concert for the Maycourt club, To help increase their purse. From our rep'toire, we sang a mix, Some bright, to slow and soothing, Reports flowed in from one and all That it was truly moving. Three dozen voices singing Three hundred listening ear, Saints marched at different paces, We saw that look of fear. Though 'plause, approving tributes, Came forth from she who leads, Indication, if required, We listen to her pleads. As usual, on the ivories, The keys were made to sing, By Sheila, with those "magic hands",  Though 'blue', they were turning. While Carlos, with his natural flair Of stories with their root, Each song, presented he, with love, He's really so astute. So on the whole, 'twas awfully good, We did complete our brief, E'en with the hiccups we observed, We finished with relief.

Poetic Thoughts

Poetry is in my blood Upon a whim, I'll write, Oft times my best work will emerge In quietness of night. I've seen me have a pen and pad Beside my bed, close by, When lines roll up inside my thoughts I'll scribe them, ere they fly Out of my mind, and far away Into that black beyond Where they seem lost, forever gone As diamonds in murk pond. Prefer to write in formal style And with the rhyming grade It helps me to recall the line s    Ere memory will fade.

Farewell Katie

You made me sad today You said you're going away :(( These years you've been the best, FAR better than the rest. Approachable, were you, You knew just what to do, You knew to laugh, have fun, As 'sups' go, YOU'RE the one. You lead, but stayed a team, A short lived, pleasant dream, Like you, there will be none, And now this dream is done. So farewell, Katie Roz. My wonderful, kind boss, Good luck in all you do, I'm ALREADY missing you.