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Showing posts from 2021

The Bout

In his corner, boots and trunks,  Trying to look brave,  Eyeing me both down and up  Wondering if I'll cave  To his demeaning, bullying gaze  His pecs and biceps pump  Hoping that his menacing stare  Will cause my throat to lump. But I, though leaner, can deceive,  Good tactics I will use,  My lithe and supple, agile form  Will aid, to him abuse.  With 'pins' and 'clothesline', 'headbutt', 'kick',  And 'diving elbow drop',  Weakened by my high 'back kick'  With final 'backhand chop'. He tries his best to rally round  To submit, he'll not yield,  The ref, though, sees his flailing arms  Decides, he must concede.  But undeterred and utt'ring threats  A rematch he insists  He leaves the ring, frustrated mood  While pumping iron fists.

Rescuing the Lost Sheep

Another reason we could see, The sheep - though old was sought, To show us all that EVERY ONE No matter age, was bought With blood shed from the Saviours hands His feet, His side and brow, A life in Heaven to secure, If you will trust Him, now.


                                                            Gazing far out to the sea                                                         Trees pointing t’wards the sky                                                         Calm serenity draws me close                                                             Where water trickles by                       ...


Artistic and creative nudes Not necessarily naked dudes Artistic work may NOT just mean A picture, portrait, to be seen But wording, in a special way Can also, artistically play. To be at one with nature's sun Alone, with friends, special someone, Relaxing, playing sports quite nude In teams or with another dude. Some ways we can, this, naturalise Our way of life, to prying eyes. So live creatively at ease At home, at play, just not to tease Relaxing, working, all is good And definitely better, when done nude.