Most folk recall their wedding day, Well, those who appreciate, But I know one who also knew Their initial meeting date. My mum and dad got married In 1942 St. Swithen’s day, July fifteenth Though ’nother date he knew. They met in 1939 A ‘Good Templar’, meeting place, Dad saw the lass and winked at her Whene’er he saw her face. ’Twas a mid week evening The second Wednesday, Their eyes did meet, it was true love, The date was, tenth of May. Now every year thereafter, My father bought a gift A box of chocs, bouquet of flowers To give his love a lift. For MANY years this happened Then he was asked by she, “Why do you celebrate THIS date But our wedding date may flee Out of your memory, fine" Quickly, responded he. ...
Poetry I have composed throughout the years. Some specifically for people, others for printing in anthologies