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Showing posts from June, 2024

FATHER of Fathers.

  W e each have had a father, Full time, part time, unknown, But blessed are we, t'remember When deeds of love were shown. A stronghold, mighty fortress, A shelter in life's storm, Who never tires of caring With tender heart, and warm. But there is yet a father, The Father of all  men, HE wearies NOT when children Call on Him 'gain and again. And we can CHOSE this father, The epitome of LOVE, One who will never leave us,  'Tis Father God, above. Let us call on Him now.


  Once again I am in awe  At th'love our church does show, The 'serving' 'loving' actions They tirelessly bestow. NOTHING seems a 'burden' To those who display 'care' When needed, ANY reason, With TRUE LOVE, they'll be there. 'rrived home from work this ev'ning To find four PLUS at work A-tidying both gardens At HELPING, they DON'T shirk.

Aging Fears

Of  late I have been wary Of  looming issues - "mind", Names, recent locations, have Been difficult to find Not too long after happening, Where once, had memory great, I'm fearing that A lzheimers Is looming at my gate . Have cared for many clients Who suffered this disease, And while in their minds they were Okay, 'twas clear to see That words were just  not coming, Their struggle, hard to view, So trusting that compassion Will be given by you. Some of those clients, younger, Not ALL, pensioner stage, Though, mattered not to carer, Whatever was, their age. The loving care still given, Respect at all times shown, Empathy, sensitivity, As 'twas one of their own. So, if I repeat often, Events that come to mind, OR, get stuck with a few words That I just cannot find, That you'll show me compassion, Have patience, WITH me, laugh, Make light of situation, Not make me think I'm daft. Don't think of me a "burden" Prefer NOT, be this way, I ask for

Prodigal bird.

I'm looking out the window From my indoor steel home It's true, I'm fed and watered here No need to search, or comb For sustenance or liquid, I'm really cared for well,  Why, they've even provided me With my own calling bell. Though looking at that sky so blue,  I see, 'like looking' kind, Just larger, not as pretty as I am - least in MY mind. How I yearn to fly so high  To feel the breeze, see cloud, But sadly in this 'prison cage' I am just not allowed. But, Wait, They hurried out this morn., My  home they did not drape, They didn't even lock MY door I see a chance  t'escape. . . . . . . . . . . . I'm free at last and flying high The views I do admire, But since I am not used to this,  My wings, they start to tire. Why did I choose to fly away From my secure domain? Was cared for, loved and fed quite well, I SHOULD return, again. Though I do wonder if those folk Will even have me back? Or even if I will recall The returning flight track