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W.R.P.M.C. East Coast Tour Leaving Baddeck

Sunday Sept. 16

Leaving Baddeck

It's early morn, at 'scrake of dawn'
Such an unearthly hour,
We woke to find it's still quite dark,
But wait, - we have no power.

We get to pack up all again,
To move from quaint Baddeck,
Then venture north, we're Sydney bound,
We've gear, in van, to check.

At seventh hour, the power returned,
Our host, did water boil,
So breakfast could be served to all,
And then commence the toil

Of loading up our uniforms
Then cases, on the coach,
So on our way - hop skip and jump,
At Sydney, soon approach.

The winding uphill treelined route
Meandering hill and dell,
Guiding us through scenic sites
Our Lester knows so well.

Just south of Sydney, passing through,
Us bus-folk got a kick
At th'name upon a local sign,
A food store, "Lick-A-Chick"

lick a chick sign | Lick A Chick Restaurant Sign

Next, Lester built our hopes up high,
And stopped close to the Port
With Disney Cruise ship there a-berth
So we our dreams, could court.

Alas, no room aboard the ship,
They wouldn't let us on,
But "Fiddle- huge" we did admire,
Thereafter, we were gone.

It wasn't long, - we did arrive
Our Terri's on the ball,
And allocated us our rooms,
Her expertise - extol.

At Hearthstone Inn, our rooms were booked
And memories here, we'd keep
Of singing to, with, and hearing
Those guys, 'Men of the Deep'.

Us guys departed then, alone,
The 'Added Notes' we left,
Rehearsing with those 'Mining Men'
In Bass and Treble Clef.

Those miners, with their lamps aglow
And stories great, in song,
Did serenade, with lyrics true,
Could listen, all night long.

Comedic, entertaining,
With tales of yore, they told,
The 'Newfie' sense of humour
Had all, in stitches, fold.

Songs written by their members
A dancing jig, as well,
Augmented by our chorus,
Did make the music swell.

The church was full and eager
To listen to both choirs,
Cape Breton's bereaved families
Did benefit our aires.

And as a first, ne'er e'er before,
That after songs, just three,
The audience, with awe did stand,
'Twas really great, to see.

We ended up the evening,
It was a day, quite long,
At R.C.L. Branch 138,
                                                    Enjoying time, in song.


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