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My Longest Seizure

Presently I haven't forgotten this, nor do I WANT to, but with passing time the memory could well fade, hence the event in rhyme :-  

Growing up with seizures,
Though mostly, very mild,
I had gotten used to them,
Had had them, from a child.
There was a quite severe one
When I was twenty five,
In hindsight, I am very blessed
That I am still alive.
No transport, but my bicycle,
It was ten speed, the best,
Faster 'twas, than walking,
Of that, you can attest.
I also did some swimming
And in mid week would go
A-cycling to the swimming pool
Some laps do, to and fro.
I NEVER hid from others,
My disability,
Friends and all relations
Would know, that that, was me.
One evening, on my journey down,
A head formed battle, felt,
I tried to say 'you'll be okay'
But fate, the seizure, dealt.
With providence, I landed
Away from traffic flow,
The first thing I did notice,
Was ambulance, on the go.
Two girls I'd met the previous week
While at the swimming pool,
Had noticed me, there laying
And knew the golden rule.
No cell phones in their purses,
They'd not been 'vented, yet,
But stopped a truck with a 'C.B.'
Assistance for to get.
At this point, I was out of it,
The girls I did not see,
But recall seeing th'ambulance
Knew not, it was for me.
Though it was still afar off,
I zoned out, once again,
Remember not, their caring,
Nor feeling any pain.
I came back, momentarily
Into the 'here and now'
In ambulance, I thought, panicking,
'My bike?, I'm here, but how?'
Recall not at the hospital,
I'd zoned out, yet again,
Apparently, my folks were called,
My mother felt my pain.

Know not if 'twas the ambulance
Or parents, home, me brought,
Nor how I did get up to bed,
Sure many tears, mum fraught.

The NEXT thing I remember,
'Twas Thursday, early morn,
Ready to get up for work
Though mum was more forlorn.
Sh'advised me to call into work,
To take a day to rest
Still, recollection, of last eve.
Was poor to none, at best.
Returned to work on Friday
I worked with a GREAT crew,
With asking what had happened,
My problems, they all knew.
I did make light about it,
The truth, it had been veiled
And told them I fell off the bike,
Because the brakes had failed.

I then told them the true report
They seemed distraught and moved,
It showed that when push came to shove,
They cared the best, 'twas proved.
It wasn't 'til YEARS later,
Reflecting on that night,
At hospital, or to my bed,
I had ZERO insight.


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