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Showing posts from February, 2023


D’ya really think God listens Whenever people pray? D’ya think He really cares about  The things we do each day? Can HE hear EVERY heartache, Our numerous  soulful cries ? There’s scores of us way down here, We’d ‘ppear smaller than flies. Sure He’s only one being, While us - billions, or more, And He is way up yonder, With distance, MILES galore.          ……………………. You BEST ...... BELIEVE....... He harkens,  He cares for EVERY need, So do not be afraid to share, And  tell Him every plead. Then thankful praise give to Him, His blessings ne’er stagnate, There’ll ALWAYS be an answer; A ‘YES’, a ‘NO’, or ‘WAIT’. ’’Tis true, you could well have to wait, Few days, weeks, years, to see, Though if the timing is just right, It could be INSTANTLY.


THIRTY TWO, that was the age When I was two years wed , But also , when I could have been For rest of life, ‘brain dead’ You see, an offer had been made, By my neurologist, T’attempt to rid me of the plight  That from birth, did exist. The episodes, though short they were, Whene’er malfunction rose, The brain would freeze, do something strange, Remember some of those. While other times, I needed told " You had another ‘fit’ " Informed me then, what I had done, I chuckled some, admit. Some long, or short, some laughable, ‘tLeast one, quite scary, too, No one e’er knew when they’d attack, They didn’t come, on cue. I never fell down on the floor A-writhing  in a heap, The brain was locked in certain mode, Exhausted, I could sleep. However, thankful, I now am, They’re gone,  THIRTY TWO  years, I’m surely blessed, when I reflect, Shed many ‘greatful’ tears

Do not be an island

Do not be an island Tryin’  t’survive alone, We’re socialising people, So get out of YOUR zone. It’s NOT a form of weakness If/when assistance need, It gives supporting comfort, Then your morale will feed. Th’assistance could be manual, Or lifted up in prayer, Depends on circumstances, Prayer’s done, most ANYwhere. Weren’t made for isolation, The Creator noted that, HE gave 'first man' a partner To comfort and to chat. So fear not of requesting From family or friend, Physical or spiritual, Help’s there, until the end.

Heavenly Abode

Saw this quote :- “The longer I'm down here, the uglier I see it and the more welcoming Heaven is becoming.”   So composed THIS   The song rings out about "this world" That it "is NOT my home," I’m glad "I’m just a-passing through" Though here I must still roam. I MUST endure earths hardships, long, Each  day and year I stay, Before I gain that “WELCOME HOME” My Heavenly ‘bode, for aye. So when those trials I do face Though strength defeating, be I’ll trust the ONE to hold my hand So through it, HE’ll, me, see. This world, though made to perfection; By Baalzebub, was stained, Though God, in Christ, has washed me clean Etern'ty to be  gained And so, the longer I’m down here, Th’uglier, it ‘appears Yearning the hour I’ll be raised up And crying joyful tears.

Squeeze MY arm

 My mother in her forties And prior to that also, Suffered from stomach ulcers Her pain, I did not know. Oft, in foetal position, Found, laying on the floor, Her sole relief from aching, So it would hurt no more. Because of this, some med'cine Would take aft' pre-bed snack, In hope and trust she'd sleep well The pain would not come back                Whene'er she'd take a spoonful, She clenched her fist so tight, 'Twas an innate  reaction To grab, with all her might. As youngster, (single figures) I'd noticed all she'd do, So offered my wee wrist and arm Something, to grab onto. "It's okay mammy, doesn't hurt, My arm, you can, hard, squeeze, If it does help your stomach, With all that pain, to ease."

Romans 10 : 9-11 "I BELIEVE"

9  If you declare   with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”and believe   in your heart that God raised him from the dead,   you will be saved.   10  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.   11  As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” My now late neighbour, Gavin, He passed, 2016, I’d grown to love him deeply, On me, did  heavily lean. If e’er he needed driven, Appointment, or the store, He’d call me on the telephone, Or ‘rap’ upon my door. His wife had passed a year plus, Drove her, work, to and fro, I recalled well, the hassle Of bussing it, so slow. Was visiting in hospital, As I was apt to do, ’Twas just my inner nature, Given t'no matter who. Informed him that I loved him, Though, was a higher power, Who’d died, because He loved him, {Knew NOT, ’twas eleventh hour.} Told him the shortened version Of message bold and tr...


Things had not been going As well as they had been,  Employment low, hence dollars short, I had not been tithing. In bed I lay, could not get sleep, My mind in turmoil, was, Reminded of my poor misdeed, Perhaps that was the cause. Remembering Luke 6: 38 "Give, and you'll receive" Decided there and then, I MUST Resume what I believe. Once I had pledged to take out cash, For church, that next Sunday, A calmness came, I fell asleep, My 'tithe' I HAD to pay. That Sunday, slipped it into plate, Relieved that I still could, Trusting that in future, To be able, I would. Re-mem-ber-ing the "Widow's Mite" "Tis NOT th'amount - Your heart, Recalling those 5 loaves, 2 fish, Was glad to do my part. Five weeks later,  'twas displayed When things had gotten WORSE, Supportive unexpected love, The 'family',  they did  nurse . Yet once AGAIN when stove fire formed Our church (our family) From funds, benevolence, supplied A brand new stove for we.


E  xactly WHAT is it? - d'you know? P  eople fall to ground? I   nstruct yourself, there’s many more, L  ike shaking all around. E  ven repeating movements, P  aralysis of mouth, S  taring blankly into space, Y  our  eyes roll, north or south.


The number 27 In my life, I have found,  Appears to be quite vital,  Its vastness,  does astound. Many things have happened Their randomness abound, Things I'd no control over, Have '27', crowned. I joined church choir, aged seventeen The bass line, sang so grand, Then moved away, aged 44, To live in 'nother land. At 27, I did meet The one to be my wife, She who'd vow to have & hold For the rest of life. While on my birth date, were engaged, On hers, we said "I Do" She was born, the month of May, And 27th too. A few years after we were wed, Some surgery I'd procure, February 27th The scalpel I'd endure. Quite a few years later At age of forty four, 27 years I'd worked In U.K. - not one more. We migrated to Canada, Employment found, with cheer And if I work to 71 'Twill be 27 here. One client in the commun'ty, Moved to group home, shed tears, Got him at  age of 27  And served a dozen years. I well could add on to this list Be interes...