Sheeba was a kitten, we read was needing homed, We found her in newspapers ads, 'Pet column' site, we combed, She took to us, most instantly, a home, she glad to find? Who could tell what’s going on inside a felines mind? Was terrified of visitors, who’d to our house arrive, Would dash from lounge to dining room, then upstairs, to survive It’s said they can detect from us, if love is there or not, Surprised us ONE occassion, - of this I’ve ne’er forgot. A tradesman came to give a quote, some work to carry out, Surprising, Sheeba never moved, so what was this about? I mentioned to the tradesman the surprise I had found How usually, with visitors, she would be bedroom bound. H’informed us that the animal, he was not fond at all, 'tappears she sensed the dislike and SHE would make the call, 'Twas if she was a-thinking, ''I KNOW that you, me, hate, But boyo, I do live here and THIS is MY 'estate' ". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
Poetry I have composed throughout the years. Some specifically for people, others for printing in anthologies