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Sheeba's Farewell

Sheeba was a kitten, we read was needing homed,

We found her in newspapers ads, 'Pet column' site, we combed,

She took to us, most instantly, a home, she glad to find?

Who could tell what’s going on inside a felines mind?

Was terrified of visitors, who’d to our house arrive,

Would dash from lounge to dining room, then upstairs, to survive

It’s said they can detect from us, if love is there or not,

Surprised us ONE occassion, - of this I’ve ne’er forgot.

A tradesman came to give a quote, some work to carry out,

Surprising, Sheeba never moved, so what was this about?

I mentioned to the tradesman the surprise I had found

How usually, with visitors, she would be bedroom bound.

H’informed us that the animal, he was not fond at all,

'tappears she sensed the dislike and SHE would make the call,

'Twas if she was a-thinking, ''I KNOW that you, me, hate,

But boyo, I do live here and THIS is MY 'estate' ".

          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Whene'er across th'Atlantic, we did decide to move,

We COULDN'T leave her stranded, our love, we had to prove,

Some travel pills we bought her, she liked not, any trip,

And we were going by road and air, primarily, by ship.

First leg, still in the U.K., Glasgow, Manchester fly,

Luggage was to be removed, more loaded, by and by.

A stewardess in the fuselage, at front, did call my name,

Informed me Sheeba had escaped, though staff had caught the same.

We went with her, brought travel pills, 'twould be a six hour flight,

The bottle, we gave ALL of them, to save from any fright.

Landing at Toronto, she'd arrived, safe and sound,

Through customs, luggage pick up, was pleased she was aground.

Renting first appartment, then furniture did arrive,

Sheeba was relaxing more, familiarity, helped her thrive,

Started feeling more at home, could she relax at ease?

WHAM! - those boxes came back out, ''Those humans, do me tease?''

The tail was dragging 'cross the floor, did she recall the past?

'Would I go through the same ordeal?'  did she feel so aghast?

With furniture in boxtruck, some cartons in the car,

Sheeba in cage was loaded, thankful, it wasn't far.

Ent'ring by the kitchen, on countertop, sat cage,

The bulky goods delivered, reactions we did gage.

Opened up her 'traveller' then set her on the floor,

Her trailing tail stood upright, familiar goods, saw more. 

               - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The even-ing she passed away, to basement I had gone,

I heard a THUD.....THUD.....THUD...., and wondered, 'what's going on?'

Looked out and noticed Sheeba, front paws on lower stair,

Shimmying her back end, so it too would get there.

Picked her up and wearing shorts, sat her upon my lap,

I was really unaware of what would 'ventually hap'.

Brought her upstairs, on sofa sat, Sheeba, still on bare thigh,

Felt dampness, realised that she'd gone down, to say "good-bye"



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