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Showing posts from September, 2023

Heavenly Butterflies?

  Was thinking of a critter Who's worm like, short and green, It would be in the Spring time When it is mainly seen.  We call them 'caterpillars' Most common, green and small, Their existance seems so futile They move and eat, that's all. But THEN it seems they slumber, Wrapped up in a cocoon, Know not the happenings within, Though change, it DOES come, soon. Cocoon is a protector As changes they do form, From creeping worm-like insect, To vibrant coloured 'norm' They then fly, oh so graceful,  A joy, to every eye, Those creatures, they do flutter, As new form, - Butterfly. Considering our own lives, While striving, here on earth, For many of us struggle Many years, after birth. However, if we're READY A new life WE will share, As "butterflies" in Heaven, We'll live without a care. Caterpillars are the larval stage of  Lepidoptera species , meaning butterflies and moths. Many insects go through a similar lifecycle, starting as an egg, which hat...

Hallelujah or Despair

“ we, who are still living on the earth, will be swept up … into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And, after that, we will be with Him for ever. ”  (I Thess.4:17;) We know not WHEN the "Rapture" Is going to take place, Though we've been told the happenings, For all of human race. All who are still on this Earth, Believers ONLY, though, Will be "swept up into the clouds", Are YOU ready to 'go'? Then in the air, will meet HIM,  The LORD, the CHRIST, the KING Eternal glory will be ours And 'Hallelujah's' sing. So I ask, "Are YOU ready To meet Him, in the air?" Your final destination, And will I see YOU, there? Or will you be the "left behind" Forever thinking "WHY?" Why did I not listen and heed?, Eternal tears to cry.

Not for 'me'

At times I'm  tired of living, With struggling to survive, I often question El Shaddai "Why am I still alive?" But to me, HE then reassures, To 'serve Him' is my role, Specific 'gift' been given me, HELPING, is my goal. So I'm not here for me, alone, For OTHERS, my purpose. Hence I MUST keep on, keeping on, Continue, with no fuss.  

Toss the Mace

                                                                        Dad wasn’t very musical,                                                Could not the scale notes tell, Though he knew how to keep the beat,  He did that, VERY well.  Position of ‘Drum Major’  In ‘Star of Eden’ band,  Dad held for many many years,  His leadership was grand.  I’m pretty sure that no one else,  Has even TRIED this aim,  But ’tis reputed of my dad,  NO ONE’s achieved the same.  The ancient bridge o’er Albert Street,  In Carrickfergus town,  It Is reported, solely dad,  And this is his renown.  When leading pipe band, on the 12th,  The...

"Wake me up before you go go"

 I heard this song this morning  On local radio Evoking strong memory Of really long ago. Was travelling from homeland That's Belfast, (north, six miles) To London's Heathrow airport, The song brought back some smiles. I sailed to Stranraar's harbour From our port, town of Larne Then o'ernight train going southbound Arriving there earl' morn. To catch my next connection Vancouver bound was I, The train ride, it was cheaper Than 'nother plane to fly Whene'er the train I boarded No seats avail'ble were Some military men were on them, Stretched out, without a care. I couldn't hear them snoring Or see the dreams they had But felt their tired demeanour To waken, would've been bad. Recall me having thought tough, How 'xhausted those men were, And how I'd feel if woken, To do so, wouldn't dare. The lines of song to my mind Came flooding back to me As coming from the soldiers So loved ones, they would see. So I just hunkered down, me, Near tr...

"NOTHING is impossible"

  I don't like going to concerts Where people stand around, Prefer to have the choice to sit, Though NOT upon the ground. So, glad, I wasn't born around  The time of  Jesus' days, I'm NOT a crowd lover, so would  Have stayed back, quite a ways. HE STILL would have been able To  get my sole 'ttention. Remember old Zacchaeus with The sycamore  ascension. So NOTHING is impossible  Whenever HE's involved, If HE has plans made for you, They'll surely be resolved.

Shepherds Pie

        A res'dent in a Nursing home For years, where, work,  did I, A lady in late eighties, A spinster, by and by.          She had been a professor In University, Her seventies, learnt piano, To play, to you and me.        She had a sense of humour, By chance, I found that out,  Our Francis was still 'with it' Though oft times, one could doubt.          Her eyesight had been failing, So she was needing fed, And as was norm, we told her What was on her plate bed.        A staple in the home, there, Was potato pie, with meat, The residents enjoyed it, "Twas pretty good, to eat.                                   Before we started feeding, Informed, what her plate held, Did NOT expect her response, With laughter, my heart swelled.         ''It's Shepherds pie for din...

Mike & Sue. ( Hanley)

Mike & Sue. A youthful groom,  A   stunning bride, Anticipation  Could not hide, Some friends and fam’ly  G athered  ' round, Where love abundant,  Could be found. Through thick and thin,  You’ve weathered all, In health and sickness,  ‘Spring’ and ‘Fall’, Poverty, riches,  Known to you, Together you fought,  And pulled through. Your faith and love,  In HIM, did trust, Through gentle breeze  And raging gust, The vow you promised,  Did fulfill, Living faithfully  In HIS will. Celebrating  That glorious day, Those FIFTY YEARS   Have  blown away, Congratulations,  Given free, From ‘GENERATIONS’  F amily.

Rock the Boat

  A song from years ago did play On local radio, Evoking memory of yore, From quite a while ago.    Sung by The Hues Corp'ration, Since 1973, When I was early teenager, It meant a lot, to me.     Vacationing with parents In Bonny Scottish land,  As day trip, went to 'Butlins' A Hol'day village, grand.    Music was a-playing O'er speaker system there, And I went to a boating lake, To sail before, - had ne'er.    Seemed I was doing quite okay, In my canoe so swell, But then I shifted myself some, And in the water, fell.      My mum went into panic mode, {As only mothers do,} But pond, it was not very deep, 'bout merely 'three feet - two'      Was able, quickly, to get out, All sopping wet and cold, Heard  " Rock the Boat " play all around, As to our car I rolled.      For many years thereafter, When it did come along On local radio station, Heard "Colin, there's YOUR song" " Rock the Boat "...

Prediction? Time will tell.

 I started singing in a choir,  When I was seventeen, Knew NOT the voice I then did have, Though I was really keen To sing and learn the harmony To me, seemed 'twas inate I heard the melody, and I Could harmonise, first rate. Informed, was I by choir master, "You sound like you're a bass" So placed with some longstanding men, To quicken up the pace Of learning notes to harmonise, It did not take me long To b'able, quickly, notes to sing Adding a depth to song. For forty seven years, I've sung The harmony, in bass, So now, I hear a tune that's new And sing my part, in place. Have noticed though, quite recently, The notes in lower tone, Which once were sung quite liberally, Are not now in my zone. So my thoughts are, "My voice did break At seventeen years old, So has it now 'repaired' itself As 'twas in former 'mould'?" "Will I have seventeen more years To sing in higher voice? And then I'll maybe HAVE to stop Been give...

Th’Antique Store

  When out for a short country drive, My wife and I, us two,  We passed a quaint small family store, I used to love to view. Some items my grandparents used, When life was not so rushed, Serenity and calmness felt And life was somewhat hushed. It housed some items I recall Were in my parents home, And ‘round the aisles I used to love To wander and to roam. Howe’er, my love for this store type, Has dwindled some, I'll share, There are too many newer stock  I don’t think should be there.  For NOW, as I walk ‘round the aisles Their 'older' stock perusing,  There’s growing content of their wares, That I,   remember using.