One phrase I've noticed past few years,
Which irks me to extreme,
Is heard in MANY interviews
On media, it does seem.
When being asked some questions,
To information, give,
Instead of starting th'answer off,
This phrase repeated, is.
The first few times 'twas novel,
But aft. a while, does tire,
I feel like reaching out my hand,
It sure does produce 'ire'
It's heard also in general chat,
In public, private too,
Wherever folk do congregate
Or cause hullabaloo.
It may be said on impulse,
To have few seconds more,
In order to form answer,
For me, it irks hearts core.
Of course it's a good question,
Why ever ask one, bad ?
Just give an answer to what's asked
Try not, to make me mad.
So what is it that irks me,
That causes such aggression,
That makes my teeth just grate with rage?
Well, '' That's a very good question.''
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