The human race, the Lord had made, . Their hearts from Him, had turned, . He looked down on their sinful deeds, . How His frustration burned.
All He'd created, perfectly,
To vile wickedness, moved,
What HE called GOOD, mankind had turned
To evil, - NOT approved.
He must have thought "I'll start again"
"Destroy all I have made"
Though there was ONE, who found HIS grace. His clan, would wrath, evade.
The house of Noah, spared this wrath,
With them, He'd start anew,
They'd be preserved, from all the deeds
On earth, was going to do.
The people, vile, when noticing
The structure Noah did build,
Thought him insane, and moreso when
With animals, it was filled.
Some humans ALSO, were allowed
To enter Ark so rough,
'Twas Noah, three sons, also their wives,
For them, 'twas room enough.
A torrential downpour He would send
Just short of seven week,
And when the flooding b'gan to drop,
Some birds sent out to seek
Dry land, at least sign, water'd fell,
So when returned, did dove,
With Olive branch, our Noah knew
Survived, thanked God, above.
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