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Charmains chat with nature.

  'Twas a calm but chilly morning,

I sat down by the pond,

Nearby the spreading cedar,

My usual morning, fond.

  That pond,  it was snow covered, 

Though water, had not froze,

The 'footprints' were a tell-tale

That birds, they had arose.

  Sang praise to their Creator,

To them, I too did sing,

The Juncos and House Sparrows

Did to me, greetings, bring.

The wind was colder, yesterday,

So few, there, to me, greet,

Today, though, while still cool out,

The Juncos, did me, meet.

House Sparrows, Chickadees, and then 

To my surprise, they came,

Two Blue Jays just to see me. 

Plus, Red Male Cardinals, same,

THEY, list'ned to MY singing,

To ME, they, better, do,

But sparrow, small, seemed eager

A chat, he wanted to.

I COULD have remained longer,

But fingers, they got cold,

'Tis just one disadvantage

Of this thing, - 'getting old'.

I went out this morning to sit by the pond, near the cedar tree, like I do every morning. The pond is snow covered except for one spot near where I sit, that the water is not frozen. In the snow around the pool of water are the tiny foot prints of the birds who come to drink there. Every morning, I sing praises to God, and then I sing to the birds. The first morning after I got home from my adventures up North, there were so many Juncos and House Sparrows that came swooping into the Cedar Tree to greet me. They were singing their hearts out and what a home coming welcome that was! I sang to them and they sang with me!!!

Yesterday, the wind was so cold, there were not too many there to greet me. But this morning, in the midst of the snowy, fluffy snow breezy air, I sat down and started to sing, and the Juncos came, then the House Sparrows, then the Chickadees, and then to my surprise, two Blue Jays came to see me. Usually they do a fly by, but never land in the Cedar to talk to me. But today, they sat for a couple of minutes, and then to my bigger surprise, a beautiful Red Male Cardinal came and sat on the branch, just looking at me!!!That was the first time I had a Cardinal come to see me! And then a Female Cardinal came too. And the birds just all seemed to want to listen to me sing this morning, except for a little sparrow who sat really close. He did not sing, but he wanted to talk to me. He made these little sounds, not a high chirping but a lower sound…not clicking, not chirping, I cannot even describe what it sounded like. But it was as if he really wanted to tell me something. It was such a wonderful morning, so snowy blowy and refreshing. But finally my fingers were cold, (had the wrong mittens on), so I came in.
I shall go back out again later. I just love being outside!!!


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