I'd often heard from preachers,
How one can FEEL His power,
The ways He can and will speak
Just at that NEEDED hour.
The day that HE did call me
Into His family,
I FELT His arms around me
As Love, it LIFTED me.
The speaker at our 'kids' church
An invitation given,
To stand during the next prayer,
To learn more of this 'Heaven'
I did not stand up purposely,
Instead, His arms, I FELT
Under my arms a-lifting,
Then to HIS power, knelt.
It's true, I too have "Heard" Him,
At lowest ebb, in mind,
"What will your parents think whene'er
Your lifeless body find?"
Through written Word, He ALSO,
To me did speak so clear
Judges 6:23
At right time, was so dear.
Some surgery had been offered
Removing part of brain,
That from birth had been faulty
Caused seizures,- what a pain.
Unsure, least having some doubts,
My fears, they were all calmed,
When "Peace, do not fear, you won't die"
In my mind, since, embalmed.
To those who say that "God's dead,
A fiction in your mind,"
If they would TRY Him, they WOULD know
His loving care, and kind.
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