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L I A. is a Good Year

See also 'Driving Force'

They say dreams have a meaning

Though mostly NOT, with me,

There was ONE sole exception

Keep reading and you’ll see.

While still having those seizures

Aged twenty seven years

And watching friends all driving

Yes, even younger peers.

Still single, at home living,

With ’86 the year,

I often got downhearted

My eyes shed many-a-tear.

Why had I been inflicted

With such a horrid plight,

Would I be doomed forever

Would ever, I see light?

Many a night in dreamland

I woke and dream would fly,

Like stardust it had vanished

Into the bye and bye.

There was just ONE exception

And this I do recall,

Around the country driving

And not once did I stall.

‘pon wakening remembered

Just one repeated phrase,

“L I A ’s a good year”

That dream was not a haze.

Now knowing that the licence plate

Beginning L - I - A,

Already was in service,

Then drew me to dismay.

Howe’er, I thought of Joseph,

The ‘Dreamer’ of that clan,

Could there, a hidden message

Be given to this man?

Not knowing years of car plates,

But had a man who knew,

I asked my dear old father

If he could give  a clue.

I didn’t tell the reason

Of my strange enquiry,

The answer, 1976,

He instantly told me.

Though ’76 had vanished

A decade since, it be.

But could it mean, 10 years from now?

We’d have to wait and see.

So I continued living

As I had, previously,

Sure it was only ”just a dream”

Might NOT mean much, to me.

Within five years was married

And had my surgery

I had to wait five more to drive,

So ’96, ‘twould be

So YES, 'twas revelation

A ‘hope’ from Heav'n above,

Who says God is not ‘personal’?

HE IS, a God of Love.


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