Should never tell a lady’s age,
E’en when it does excel,
Though oft’ ’tis said, by bard and sage,
Permission’s given, to tell.
The year in question, ’35,
The nineteen hundreds, too,
A newborn babe did breathe her first,
She did arrive, on cue.
Delighted parents said ‘’At last,
A gift, from God above,
A beautiful, adoring child,
One we can truly love’’.
Her childhood, teen years, disappeared,
Her working years, flew fast,
Retirement beckoned, in a blink,
And quite soon, MORE had past.
’Tis hard t’believe, those eons vast,
Have rapidly, flown by,
So now, together, we unite
And greetings, amplify.
You’re loved by all around,
Your 'Generations' family
Send greetings, that abound.
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