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New Life

Though you may not be seen by eyes, I'm shaping you, inside Your mothers womb, secure and safe, And there you will abide Until you've been entirely formed, Developed fully there, Each aspect of your life will be Adorned, with tender care. I know  you as you are right now, I'm watching growth, each day, You brain, your organs, limbs and form, Progressing on their way. I have a purpose 'ready planned For when your date is due, Nobody else can do YOUR job,  It's 'specially for you'. I have already set the date When you will breathe your last, And while for you 'twill seem long time, The years will  go quite fast. I will be watching over you, You may be unaware, But every aspect of your years, Been planned with loving care.                                                       Father God.  

"That's a very good question"

  One phrase I've noticed past few years, Which irks me to extreme, Is heard in MANY interviews On media, it does seem. When being asked some questions, To information, give, Instead of starting th'answer off, This phrase repeated, is. The first few times 'twas novel, But aft. a while, does tire, I feel like reaching out my hand, It sure does produce 'ire' It's heard also in general chat, In public, private too, Wherever folk do congregate  Or cause hullabaloo. It may be said on impulse, To have few seconds more, In order to form answer, For me, it irks hearts core. Of course it's a good question, Why ever ask one, bad ? Just give an answer to what's asked Try not, to make me mad. So what is it that irks me, That causes such aggression, That makes my teeth just grate with rage? Well, '' That's a very good question.''

"KEEP your Fork." (initiated by the letter below the ode)

Whene'er at social gatherings Where served aplenty's, food,  It's always great to hear three words, That means there's something good Which is to come, and quickly, A-welcoming, 'twill be. Pleasing to our senses, Well, at least to three. No need to just have sweet tooth, Agree, many sure will, That while main course is always good, There's always room, to fill With something more delicious, Which tasting senses, numb  Those words of course are "Keep your fork" The BEST has yet to come. There was a young w oman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had been given three months to live. So as she was getting her things 'in order,' she contacted her Pastor and had him come to her house to discuss certain aspects of her final wishes. She told him which songs she wanted sung at the service, what scriptures she would like read, and what outfit she wanted to be buried in. Everything was in order and the Pastor was preparing to leave when t...

New Hoist

Was working in small nursing home Of merely twenty bed, Most clients, they were mobile, While some, they did need fed. The few who were in wheelchairs Did also need a hoist, To save the backs of carers, Authorities, had that, voiced. A new hoist, it was purchased And demonstrated was, By those who made the product, To do, was within laws. The staff, they were all gathered, In circle sat, did we, As maker demonstrated The workings, fo'all to see. Then came the time for practice, A "patient" needed she, To show how sling attached, was, Then hoisted up, us see. Now many times beforehand, The person chosen, did Lay down in middle circle, As was by maker, bid. I have the capability To flop down on the floor, Without me having bones cracked, Or even, being sore. SO, with me saying nothing, From my chair, bones went flop, I lay there few short seconds, All staff, their jaws, did drop. I then piped up, ground level, Relieved, were boss and  staff , "Residents don't fall,...

Regular Caller

 A frightful sight, both day and night Is flashing amber, red. The paramed, a regular sight,  Adorned with mobile bed. Someone is ill, 'tis run of th'mill Will they return or not?  Need greater care? back here, or where? Will they retain their spot? 'Tis sad to see, when will it be My turn, that trip, to make? Hospital care, how long, be there? That thought, my heart, does break. The brevity of life, it shows, A fleeting vapour, - gone, Who knows the instant it wll hap' Then start again, new dawn.

HIS Patience

How many of us humans here, Repeatedly persist In trying out His patience, Oft times, with shaking fist? How often do we promise Him, "Next time, I"ll better, do" Only to forget that vow, And make a slip, or two? But yet, He'll , STILL, us welcome, Knowing full well that we Will quick forget that promise, And then,  in prayer, be, Once MORE, asking forgiveness, For His standards, falling short, His caliber of excellence, To keep with MUCH effort. It's hard for us to fathom The patience, He bestows, For we are merely humans, Full splendor, NO ONE knows.  Nor will we, 'til in Heaven, We take our 'blood bought' place, 'Twill only THEN, be witnessed When we meet face to face.

"Give it to the bin"

Some people say I eat too fast To me, it's just the norm I never liked to waste my food From day that I was born. I am the yongest of six boys, The eldest turned fifteen Just five weeks after I was born, By me, was seldom seen. My father, was a 'tradesman'  The youngest of his brood, His mother never went to work 'Til he, self dressing, could. So that was how he knew it The father WILL provide, To pay the bills, supply our needs, Essentials, ne'er denied. I aye felt sorry for him, though, The SOLE day off he took, Was Sunday, which was "chu'ch" day He lived, by Holy Book. So NEVER got to lay in bed His weary bones, t o rest His selfless duty, - family, was, He gave to us, his best. We ALSO lived with 'hand me downs' Bought GOOD, so it would last So had to learn to 'scrimp and save' Ne'er liked t'see any waste, I'm glad that my metabolism Was where I burnt off food In energy, quite quickly, I AM a lucky dude. I also learned t...

Earliest Christmas Memory

   The earliest Christmas memory That I recall I have, Was still young, barely walking, Though confident and suave.    Lived in two story homestead, And 'fore parents, did rise, With legs "at ease", arms in the air My family, did surprise.    While still in my pyjamas, To top of stairs did run, My arms  akimbo, then in air, I wanted to have fun.    With loudest voice, could muster, As child, was not TOO loud, "IT'S CHRISsssssssTMAS" I proclaimed to all, I really felt so proud.    I started 'running down the steps, Each foot upon each stair, I think, got down steps one and two, Was STOPPED, - it wasn't fair.    Just wanted t'see what presents, The "man in red' did leave, But HAD to return back to bed, I shrugged a 'huffing' heave.    The coal fire needed cleaned out, A new fire, lit, would be, To keep us warm and cosy, 'Til presents, we could see.    Cannot recall exactly what Had been left me, that year...

Second chance

The human race, the Lord had made,                      .           Their hearts from Him, had turned,                                        .  He looked down on their sinful deeds,                                 .  How His frustration burned. All He'd created, perfectly, To vile wickedness, moved, What HE called GOOD, mankind had turned To evil, - NOT approved. He must have thought "I'll start again" "Destroy all I have made" Though there was ONE, who found HIS grace.      His clan, would wrath, evade. The house of Noah, spared this wrath, With them, He'd start anew, They'd be preserved, from all the deeds On earth, was going to do. The people, vile, when noticing The structure Noah did build, Thought hi...

Forgiving. - Matt 18, 21 - 35

.   33  And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’       We're told to be like Father God, Forgive, as been forgiven, Though that , is TOUGH, without the help That comes, solely from Heaven.     Since WE're forgiven through HIS blood, We too, should forgive those Who constantly annoy or irk, Be they some friends or foes.     We're ALSO told within His Word, The consequences, should We fail to follow through with it, And hardened heart, exude.      Don't have to do it all alone, With others, we can pray, Third person of the Trinity Will help us, on our way.

The Prodigal; Luke 15:11-32

.     The Prodigal, aft many years Of living "LIFE" - he thought, Lavishly a-spending Th'inheritance he had got, .    (Before it should have been dished out, I haste to add on here,) Did come to re'lise, "goin' it 'lone" Was NOT  fun, 'twas more FEAR. .   He'd gone where no one knew him, His ancestry, or  past, He must've thought "At last I'm FREE , In life, I'll have a blast." .   The old sayings "wine women, song", "You can't fool th'people all day long"  "A fool and his money", it also goes, "Are rapidly parted" everyone knows.      And so 'twas true of this young man, With lavish lifestyle he had led. 'Big Spender', spent it all too soon Was quickly, needing to be fed. .    A job he HAD to, fast attain' To just survive each day, again. A-feeding SWINE, was some relief, Though was the worst,  with his belief, .   While doing so, gave time to think Ponder ...

"It's ALL I have" (Mark 6. 30-34)

      I wonder of that little lad, The one who gave his all Whene'er the Master did require Some food, to feed the sprawl Of hungry mouths and listening ears, Who'd followed Christ, to hear The wonderous words and truths He told For only three short year.    Whene'er he said "It's all I have" Did he e'er think that, years  And centuries long afterwards, His deeds, would ease some fears Of folk who thought "not good enough" "I haven't anything That anyone deems worthy 'nough, Which I, to HIM, can bring".      Did he keep on a-following The Saviour, whom he saw Feed o'er five thousand ravenous mouths, With so little food, to chaw? Did he become disciple keen, When older he became? Or did he turn his back on Him, E'en after all he'd seen?   I guess we'll never know for sure, Until we are called 'Home' To that eternal Glory land And we have time to comb Believers, who have gathered there, For many centuries ...

Student "door to door's"

Was being plagued by salesmen Who travelled door to door, They're really quite annoying, And I could take no more.     Me thinks they all were students, To make 'a buck or two', But REALLY, did they HAVE to   Keep pestering me and you?   The final straw was broken, Was going to take no more, I taught the guys a lesson, That they would call no more.                                      Was selling 'Water Heaters  For us to 'rent' instead ,                                                                     The one we had was paid for,                                                 ...


Medical teams encourage.    All ages, to stay fit,         T o keep your body moving,  Don't ever think to quit.        F lexible,  we try to stay,         Our joints t o keep in  shape,   Exercise, it is a must,             Immobility, escape.              Run and Jump then Kneel and Press Daily activity, Ensure we're not unstable, Results, we soon should see. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Th'actions though, could also mar Our daily life routine, If they're not used with caution, I'll tell you what I mean. Should never e'er  RUN-RIOT Disturbing others peace, And if you find, that, doing,  Immediately, should cease. Nor should we to ' conclusions'  JUMP, Get all the details first, False info. is a pitfall,  Where friendships, could be cursed. Mid leg joints 'ssist with c...

"What's your name?"

South African Professor For whom I did give care, Always asked ONE question,  Whenever I'd be there. Ev'n if second visit  A  few hours later, was, Th'initial greeting question Was still asked, just because.  Aft. many months of caring Same question, answering, Decided, I, to test him, His memory recall, bring. After he asked his question, I answered, "you tell me" "I don't know" - his response, Replied with, "Well, let's see". "Did I call in to see you? ''You did'' was his reply, "Then tell ME, what my name is" Something ,  we  had  to try. "I don't know" still replied, I said, "Did I 'call in'? And aft. a few times prompting, Cogs, turning, did begin. Until one morn. did greet him, Aft' my  response, he said "Is it 'Call in?'" his reply. " Correct" I responded, His daughter, whom he lived with, ASTOUNDED was and said "You're the first na...

Which Route?

Before the days of G.P.S. When paper maps were in, On foreign roads, it was a must, To set out route, to win.  Once way was set, adhered to, To take detour,  dared NOT, Though IF, perchance were roadworks, Soon back on track, we got. Howe'er, with new technology, When G.P.S. is set, Should we detour, or veer off track, 'Twill keep us journeying yet. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In LIFE, we're on a journey, Our destination, choose, ONE way, it's sure, we WILL win, Th'other, life, will lose. Trust G od for P rotection, S afety, Our Spiritual G.P.S. So choose your journey early, HE will, eternally, bless.


People who have known me Life time or just short while, Will know I love to play on words, It's always been my style. Words which have two meanings, And I know which is meant, I'll often use the other one, Some think my mind is bent. Make and finish 'Crosswords' 'Tis NOT my 'claim to fame', Compiled for home church magazine, With "C.Ross-words" by name. Then, you see, the rhyming, It's how I do converse, Though I will close now,  j ust incase   You think they're getting worse . 

That Bubble Car

                                              Whene'er us boys were younger                                   Our father drove a car                            With four wheels, one each corner,                                         It took us really far.                                               A friend at church we went to,                              Whene'er us boys were 'wee'               ...

It's JUST 'a step'

“Neglect can happen without effort, without thinking, and without our notice.  Satan, the master deceiver, delights to keep our mind occupied with the cares and pleasures of this world.  He cares not whether it be something good or bad, as long as it distracts us from focusing on things eternal.” It's just one little step in the wrong direction after the next little step. It's JUST 'a step', he told me, As he paced to the side, But THEN, he took another, Was something here, implied? I SHOULD have stretched my hand out Aft' first step he did make, But little did I know back then, That he would others take. It was a SLOW departure, We just drifted apart, At one time were like brothers, Almost joined, through our heart. When he got out of arms length, I feared, ne'ermore would see, That fear eventually flourished, When he ignored my plea. So IF your brother falters, Don't wait, to bring him near, Reach out,  to keep that closeness, For one you hold so dear.

SORRY, too late

  There comes a time whene'er remorse Is just a second late, Your guilt trip lingered just too long, And you will face your fate. Your Could'a, Would'a, Should'a, Now past the time 'twas due, Remorse may linger just a while, For ever, now, you'll rue. You may have had an upset With someone here on earth , Delayed   making placation  ....... for what it's worth. Far worse though, this is vital, With Yahweh, MUST atone, And HE is just a prayer away, This 'prayer' is like the phone. Just talk to Him as normal, HE hears your inner thought, His arms, always will be outstretched, With HIS blood, LIFE was bought.

Get your LIFE right

You've got a brand new outfit? You look as swell, as could, Though sadly, THAT outfit will fade, In th'end, will do no good. New vehicle? WOW, impressive, It MUST've cost greal deal, Just take it for a few long drives, And THEN see how you feel.   A new house? - Never lived in? Blank canvas, yours to choose, Be careful though, an accident Could mean your house, will lose. Earthly treasures ALL will pass, They'll not always be 'hip' Eventually you'll lose it all, Just like a sinking ship. You GOTTA be clad with RIGHTEOUSNESS For THAT alone, will last When end of age does come to pass With final Trumpet, blast.

The 'help me' Gene

Various gifts we've all been giv'n, Most merge when we're still young, Though  t'develop ripe,  some take more time, Like climbing  rung to rung. I hadn't even thought of  'gifts' I just did what I knew, I saw a need I could fulfill, And knew just what to do. I'd joined church choir aged seventeen, Back then, MY 'ailment' rife, But strived to do the best I could, I had to LIVE, my life. I'd had voice lessons in my youth, W as asked, ' What type of voice?' I actually had no idea, I didn't have a choice. "You sound like you're a bass" was told So was placed between two, One blind, the other, had a 'stroke' I knew what I should do. I helped one open up his books So he could, music, sing, The other, lyrics, did recite, Should he forget something. My actions, they were noticed By church youth leader there, H'informed my parents of my 'gift' Of 'helping', 'giving care'. At present church...

Waxing cold

 Matthew 24:12  And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Have witnessed th'above in many a church Where cliques, so evident,  You don't fit in, so don't come near, Not 'said',  but actions, meant. 'Twas rampant in my own home church When in mid twenties, me, I wasn't like  those, similar age, 'Twas really plain to see.   Have sung in groups, in few of these And while at start was great, When leadership of group did change The 'love' did change to 'hate'. Whether they thought I was too good, My voice, when young, WAS trained, That 'green machine's inside us all, Animosity's ingrained. Thankfully, through it, we have found A LOVING 'family' Where EVERY ONE's accepted, Whatever status, be.


  Eye of ten spiel weirds diff rent lea  Two sea eff "ah ten shun"  Has bean given, when reed-ing  Bye each, end ev-ree wan. Re caul ate skool, was men-shunned Import ance off write weirds, End speel-ing was in struck Ted Sum thot - 'twas four the Byrds  It's guid too pay a-ten-shun,  Wen reeding watt eye right,  Ate first ewe find it arduous,  'Ten ees-aye reed, it mite. Eye luv wen dif rent me nings  Four same weird, ken bee used, Eye AWL weighs youse the other, Too keep each wan amused. Bye now, ewe have got used two Reed all the weirds eye rite, It wont bee come the norm Al, Butt ten, who nose? it mite. 


  Still breathing, thus still 'living', Though gone, life's quality, Reality, the 'waiting game' This 'end of life'  story. We know what will be imminent,  It's just the 'when', unknown, We have no say, seem powerless, When loved ones, they are 'goin'  'Tis difficult just watching Still knowing what WILL come, Reflecting past experiences, Achievements, yet, feel numb. Unable, to things, rectify, Powerless to assist, Just 'be there' that's sufficient, Too soon they will be missed. So love them through their struggle As looms, their departure, The outcome, it IS certain, The timing, just, unsure. The person DID pass the next morning

"Two Cornflakes please"

  Working in a nursing home,  For breakfast - hot or cold,  Bowls of cereal, had a choice, I often did as told. There was a client and his wife For both of them, he spoke, 'Twas 'cornflakes' ordered, every day, Sure was a mannered bloke. Whene'er I 'pproached his table, I aye, his request heard, However, with me, being me , Once, took him at his word. Whene'er he said "Two cornflakes please" As he asked, I t'him gave, A bowl with just two flakes of corn, It's FUN, to misbehave. Looking quite bewildered, Responded with "What's that?" I told him "What you asked for," He sure thought 'what a brat'. I then did fill the bowl I'd giv'n With many more such flakes, And when two filled bowls I did serve, He laughed with bellyaches. The NEXT day serving breakfast, He did not, me, dispel, "Two BOWLS of cornflakes" - his request, He'd learned his lesson well.


Packing up and moving  Aft. twenty years in place, Accumulated possessions With memories of each space. What do we keep for memoirs? What should discarded, be? Each item has its story And hence, a memory. Especially if that mem'ry Is linked to some, not here, 'Tis hard to just discard it When they're no longer near. Though if new space is smaller You got to 'pick and choose' For without stimulation, Some memories, WILL loose.